Wednesday 14 December 2022

The Secret Of A Happy Partnership

 Why is it that some couples are surrounded by this certain lightness and cheerfulness even after 30 years, while others "have lost their breath" after half a year? Professional coach Uwe gives tips for a loving and fulfilled partnership.

My last post was about constructive arguments in the partnership. Since my wife and I are often asked how we manage to be so happy together, I would like to tell you a little about a happy partnership today.

Happy Couple Talk To Each Other

 Communication creates (connection) bonds. Exchanging ideas seriously at least once a day is enough to prevent any misunderstandings. If something bothers one person or the other disagrees with something, talk to each other without wanting to have the right to blame or moan. Exchange ideas lovingly, concentrate on the positive aspects and sometimes put yourself in the other person's place in your thoughts, this promotes understanding immensely.

They Have Common Interests

Even if you are very different, it is very important that you have common interests. If you're really happy with each other, you'll enjoy being with your partner no matter what you're doing. For example, I don't really know much about horses, while my wife is an absolute horse nut and has always had something to do with horses from an early age. Nevertheless, I like to go to the stables, drive the horse from A to B if necessary and like to be told how it is developing and how my wife is doing with it. For her part, she smiles about my passion for mountain biking, which she doesn't get anything from, but she still stands at the finish line every year after I cross the Alps and waits for me full of pride and joy. Our greatest common interest is our work, yes, actually it is much more than an interest, it is our common vocation. And of course there are areas in which I can't follow her, and vice versa, neither can she. Nevertheless, we exchange ideas here warmly and passionately, inspire, encourage and support each other.

They Spend Time Together

 In our fast-moving times, it seems difficult to create islands where we can have fun alone with our loved one. But like I said, it just seems that way. It is important to be creative or to use the obvious time windows. Have lunch together, go shopping together, go to the movies together, even if the movie is nothing, you can put your feet up together and enjoy each other's closeness.

They Are Tender A Loving To Each Other

Even after 30 years. That's one of the mysteries of all. Happy couples show loving attention even after many years. They touch each other lovingly all day long, love to cuddle a lot (it doesn't always have to be sex that takes place in bed) and tell each other as often as possible what they value in the other and that they love each other. There are studies on how the smell of the partner and also kissing not only improves our well-being, but also our immune system.

They Have The Same Sense Of Humor

One of the reasons I love my wife so much is her sense of humor and the ease that comes with it. She can make me laugh at any time and completely unexpectedly. Is there anything more beautiful. I don't think I need to describe the wonderful effect this is having on our relationship. I can't imagine being surrounded by only serious people. It's so important to laugh, at yourself and with others. Happy couples know when it's time to be funny. And even if it's a rather lame joke, it will definitely make the love between you grow.

They Plan Their Future Together 

This can either be that you compare your calendars very specifically, then it will be about the immediate appointments and projects, and/or you like to exchange ideas about what you would like to experience together in your life. And while the everyday appointments and rather trivial agreements definitely ensure cohesion, the latter makes you really happy. Incidentally, in my experience, happy couples are rarely very alike. They have a good and deep understanding of their partner's differences, and the longer they've been together, the more they appreciate how enriching and fulfilling that is.

They Plan Their Future Together

 This can either be that you compare your calendars very specifically, then it will be about the immediate appointments and projects, and/or you like to exchange ideas about what you would like to experience together in your life. And while the everyday appointments and rather trivial agreements definitely ensure cohesion, the latter makes you really happy. Incidentally, in my experience, happy couples are rarely very alike. They have a good and deep understanding of their partner's differences, and the longer they've been together, the more they appreciate how enriching and fulfilling that is.

You two are a team and you should live as one. Experience everything together as much as possible, whether it's children, a career, sex or building a house, don't leave the other person out, always include them and ask yourself as often as possible what you/ can do their good. Great love expresses itself in very small gestures.

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