Thursday 22 December 2022

Mingle – The Alternative Form of Relationship

When they hear the word relationship, most people think of the classic, monogamous partnership. But that is not a must. Just as there are numerous ways to find a partner today, there are also many forms of relationships. 

Polyamory - i.e. the love relationship with more than one person - and Friends with Benefits are just two well-known alternatives to the traditional partnership. For some time now, singles who are looking for a partner have been stumbling across the term mingle. But what is that anyway?

 What is a Mingle?

Mingle is an art term that represents a combination of mixed for mixed and single. This form of relationship stands exactly between single life and a real partnership. A Mingle couple does not usually live in the same apartment, has sexual contact with other people and spends more or less time together as they wish.

At first glance, such half-relationships are very interesting for many people. They combine the advantages of a solid bond with the advantages of single life: on the one hand you can continue to enjoy your freedom, on the other hand you enjoy the security and intimacy of a partner.

But this type of partnership is not right for every single person. Many Mingles lose commitment after a while. It is not uncommon for a partner to suddenly be in love and jealous or make claims of ownership. Do you want to know if you are the type for this type of relationship? You can find out, for example, with Vivado's life advice in a live video call. Whether by tarot, pendulum or clairvoyance, the Vivado consultants take a look into your soul and tell you whether an open relationship has a chance in your life or not. Because there is little point in following a trend that doesn't make you happy in the end.

 The relationship status Mingle offers these advantages

 Actually, the Germans are more traditional when it comes to love: two-thirds dream of great love that lasts a lifetime. However, many of them are only quite late in being willing to enter into a permanent relationship and start a family. It's usually not until their late 20s or early 30s. Until then, many people want to enjoy their freedom or put their careers in the foreground. That's why it's especially the 18 to 28 year olds who like to call themselves Mingle. They enjoy having a point of contact and confidant without having to make any commitments. And there is another advantage of being a Mingle: If you don't have a real relationship, you don't have to endure the pain of separation that follows, even if it didn't work out.

 This is how Mingle life works without drama

 Still, in reality, Mingle relationships don't always work out as well as hoped. It is not uncommon for one of the two partners to fall in love and hope for a permanent bond, while the other continues to look elsewhere. This quickly ends in drama because the Mingle has to constantly justify and explain himself, while the non-Mingle becomes more and more desperate and feels unloved. The Mingle life can therefore only work if both parties fully agree and know what they are letting themselves in for. In addition, Mingles should be aware that every open relationship needs a few rules. If the Mingle couple sets some rules in advance and sticks to them, nothing stands in the way of this type of relationship.

 No problems sharing

 Most Mingle partners only share the good times: they eat out, go to the movies, and sleep together. Everyday worries and problems are taboo for many Mingle couples.

 not fall in love

 It is important that the current needs of both mingles are addressed again and again to determine whether they are still compatible. Deeper feelings should not be involved. Should one of the two Mingles fall in love, he should tell his partner honestly.

 living separately

 Separate apartments are the basic requirement for the non-binding Mingle existence. Mingles do not want to share the stressful everyday life of a relationship, which is why they should not live together.

 Don't get jealous

 Mingles should be aware that they are not in a monogamous relationship. Therefore, both partners are allowed to have sexual contact with other people. Anyone who feels jealous at the thought makes binding demands on their partner, which have no place in the Mingle relationship.

 Future planning is taboo

While in a traditional partnership both parties share a common goal, this is not the case with mingles. Planning for the future is part of such a relationship

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