Saturday, 31 December 2022

New Research: Men With Low Libido Are Nearly Twice As Likely To Die Prematurely

A Japanese study has investigated the link between libido and mortality. It showed that men who have less sex drive are 1.82 times more likely to die prematurely. No link was found in women.

The study was conducted at Yamagata University in Japan and was published earlier this month in the scientific journal PLOS ONE. The study followed more than 20,000 people – 8,558 men and 12,411 women – for more than a decade. The aim was to investigate links between sex drive and death from various causes, such as cardiovascular disease and cancer. Surveys and medical records of the participants were used for this purpose

Thursday, 22 December 2022

Mingle – The Alternative Form of Relationship

When they hear the word relationship, most people think of the classic, monogamous partnership. But that is not a must. Just as there are numerous ways to find a partner today, there are also many forms of relationships. 

Polyamory - i.e. the love relationship with more than one person - and Friends with Benefits are just two well-known alternatives to the traditional partnership. For some time now, singles who are looking for a partner have been stumbling across the term mingle. But what is that anyway?

Wednesday, 14 December 2022

The Secret Of A Happy Partnership

 Why is it that some couples are surrounded by this certain lightness and cheerfulness even after 30 years, while others "have lost their breath" after half a year? Professional coach Uwe gives tips for a loving and fulfilled partnership.

My last post was about constructive arguments in the partnership. Since my wife and I are often asked how we manage to be so happy together, I would like to tell you a little about a happy partnership today.

Monday, 12 December 2022

10 Signs That Prove He Is Falling In Love

How do you know if your feelings are shared? Sometimes it is enough to observe the other to obtain answers. A love coach reveals the signs that do not deceive.

He Takes  Initiative 

Is your partner a fan of nice phrases and compliments? It's good. But since actions often speak louder than words, his behavior also speaks for itself. A man who calls you regularly, whether it's just to talk to you or to ask you out, is a man who takes action, and who is (really) interested in you!

He Shows Up With YOU 

Saturday, 10 December 2022

Dating For The 50 Generation

Children quickly make new friends. Just a little something in common is enough to spend the whole afternoon together. But the older someone is, the harder it is for them to make new acquaintances.
In adolescence, friends still come first. Priorities then shift with work, marriage and family. However, since divorce is no longer derided these days, it is becoming increasingly common for older people to suddenly find themselves alone again.

Why finding a partner over 50 is so difficult

Seduce Women By Telling Bedtime Stories

Bedtime storiesToday I would like to tell you how you can learn to tell bedtime stories to women or your girlfriend and thus create wonderful, intense emotional states in your counterpart.

Surely you can still remember your childhood when your parents or grandparents were at your cot and told you the most wonderful, intense and exciting bedtime stories that you have never heard before.

They just let you dream of monsters and distant lands and all the things you've experienced. These stories have certainly had an impact on your experiences and your emotional world and that's how you became the person you are now.

Men: Stage Up And Close Up Your Love Game

In relationships , love isn’t just about the initial spark—it’s about maintaining and developing that connection over time. Yet, many men fa...